Verikalpa : nouvelle vidéo

Verikalpa partage la vidéo de « Karhunkaataja » extrait de son dernier album Tuoppitanssi paru chez Scarlet Records.


Finnish crazy extreme folk metal warriors Verikalpa have released a video for the song ‘Karhunkaataja’, taken from their new album ‘Tuoppitanssi’, available on Scarlet Records.

This is how the band commented: “‘Karhunkaataja’ shows Verikalpa in a new light, what it’s like behind the masks and the wall of beer! The video is a journey from the rehearsals to the stages with the usual Verikalpa antics of cheap laughs and cheap beers, the video is best enjoyed while holding a cold one and headbanging furiously!”

‘Tuoppitanssi’ has been produced by Janne Huotari at Surf Sound studio (Oulu) and mastered by Svante Forsbäck at Chartmakers Oy; artwork was handled by Sakari Forstadius.

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