Top5 Chroniqueurs : Février 2017

Aujourd’hui nous vous proposons de découvrir le top5 des albums les plus appréciés de nos chroniqueurs pour le mois de Février !

Today, we propose you to discover the Top5 albums most liked by our reviewers for February !

1. Violet Cold – Anomie
2. Benighted – Necrobreed
3. Downfall of Gaïa – Atriphy
4. Archivist – Construct
5. King Woman – Created In The Image Of Suffering

1. Gorgon – Titanomachy
2. Angantyr – Haevn
3. Svart Crown – Abreaction
4. Empyrium – Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays
5. Cruachan – Blood on the Black Robe

1. Infinityum – Lord of The Infinite
2. Carach Angren – This is no Fairytale
3. Skinny Lister – Down On Deptford Broadway
4. Kivimetsan Druidi – Betrayal, Justice, Revenge
5. Clint Mansell – Requiem For A Dream

1. Cnoc An Tursa – The Forty Five
2. Ex Deo – The Immortal Wars
3. Benighted – Necrobreed
4. Pure Wrath – Ascetic Eventide
5. Fjoergyn – Lucifer Es

1. The Tossers – Smash the Windows
2. FolCore – Haeresis
3. Moonsorrow – Suden Uni
4. Finntroll – Jaktens Tid
5. Na Cruithne – Gairm An Fhiantais

1. Ultar – Kadath
2. Dalriada – Szelez
3. Devin Townsend Project – Dark Matters
4. Enisum – Arpitanian Lands
5. Fferyllt – Proritsanie

 1. Mike Oldfield – Return to Ommadawn
2. Fejd – Trolldom
3. Angelus Apatrida – Hidden Evolution
4. Skrömta – Swedish handcraft
5. Ganaim – Ceol on Mhuileann

1. Violet Cold – Anomie
2. The Great Old Ones – EOD : A Tale Dark Legacy
3. My Sleeping Karma – Mela Ananda
4. Rosk – Miasma
5. Verdun – The Eternal Drift’s Canticles

1. Ex Deo – The Immortal Wars
2. Ignea – The Sign of Faith
3. Eluveitie – Helvetios
4. Rammstein – Mutter
5. Vianney – Vianney

 Playlist du mois :

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