Archives par mot-clé : Johan Hegg
Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth) – 2016 [FR]
Valkyries Webzine a eu la chance d’interviewer le chanteur d’Amon Amarth, Johan Hegg, à propos de la sortie de leur prochain album Jömsviking le 25 mars.
Continuer la lecture de Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth) – 2016 [FR]
Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth) – 2016 [ENG]
Valkyries Webzine had the opportunity to interview Johan Hegg from Amon Amarth about their upcoming album Jömsviking.
Continuer la lecture de Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth) – 2016 [ENG]