Sojourner : Nouveau batteur !

Pour le prochain album de Sojourner, Riccardo Floridia se joint au groupe en tant que batteur ! Riccardo vient de Bergamo en Italie et fait également partie d’Atlas Pain :

La phase de pré-production du prochain album est quasiment terminée et Riccardo entrera en studio début août pour enregistrer les morceaux !

 » We’re proud to announce that Sojourner have a new member!

For our upcoming album we have a new addition joining us on drums, Mr. Riccardo Floridia! Riccardo is based in Bergamo, Italy and is best known for his work in the excellent band Atlas Pain, who you can check out at the following links:

We’re really excited to be working with Riccardo, who’s already added a lot to the drums in the new songs. The album is nearing completion of the pre-production phase and Riccardo will be entering the studio in early August to lay down tracks.

Keep an eye on the page for more album announcements soon!  »

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