Sojourner : bonus track de The Shadowed Road

En attendant la sortie de son troisième album Premonitions, Sojourner dévoile « Snow », bonus track sur le deuxième album The Shadowed Road. Ce morceau instrumental, intégralement joué au piano, a initialement été composé par Chloe alors qu’elle n’était qu’au lycée et fait écho au titre d’ouverture « Winter’s Slumber ».

Piano is a huge part of the Sojourner sound, and some song ideas are written on piano even before guitar. ‘Winter’s Slumber’, from our last album ‘The Shadowed Road’, was adapted from a piano piece that Chloe wrote at high school. We thought we’d share it with you for some peaceful quarantine entertainment!

As a bonus, we have included a full album version of ‘Snow’ as a bonus track on the digital version of ‘The Shadowed Road’ available exclusively from our Bandcamp! ‘Snow’ was originally intended to be included as a bookend bonus track on the album, a closing mirror to ‘Winter’s Slumber’, but it was never added so we are happy to finally be able to share this. If you have already bought it from us then just redownload it to get the song, or you can purchase it at the following link:

Stay safe during these strange times everyone, and see you in exactly two weeks today for the release of ‘Premonitions’!

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