Nouvel album pour Grimner !


Le 26 mars prochain, les Suédois de Grimner sortiront un nouvel album intitulé Frost mot Eld via le label suédois Despotz Records. Il s’agira d’un album concept qui narrera une histoire épique de deux points de vue différents : celui des Einherjar et celui des fils de Surt. Cet album sera plus épique et aventureux que jamais.

Vous pouvez d’ores et déjà pré-commander l’album sur le lien

Un premier extrait est déjà disponible. La chanson s’appelle « Eldjarta » (Fireheart) et raconte l’histoire des Einherjar se préparant à la bataille du Valhalla et jurant que jamais plus ils ne tomberont sous l’emprise de Surt. Vous pouvez écouter le morceau sur Spotify, également disponible sur ITunes, Amazon et Klicktrack :

L’artwork a été réalisé par Jan Yrlund de Darkgrove Design.

 » We are proud to reveal that on March 26 we will release our new full-length album titled “Frost mot Eld”. The album will be released through the Swedish record label Despotz Records.

The new concept album will tell you an epic story of two sides, the Enhärjar empowered by the icy winds of Asgård and the Sons of Surt fueled by the fires of Muspelheim.
The album will feature a more epic and adventurous sound than ever before.

The album is available for pre-order (with several presale packages) at:

Not only will we announce this to you, but also that we are releasing the first single from the upcoming album today.

A really awesome and fun song that we have chosen to call ELDHJÄRTA (Fireheart), telling a story about the Enhärjar preparing for battle in the Halls of Valhalla swearing that never more shall they fall to the powers of Surt.

The track can be listened to at Spotify, and is also available through iTunes, Amazon and Klicktrack!

The artwork was made by Jan Yrlund at Darkgrove Design.

Please tell us what you think of the new single and share the link if you like to spread the word that Grimner will soon be releasing their new album!

With Tor’s megin!  »

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