Horn sortira son nouvel album Mohngang le 15 mai 2020 chez Iron Bonehead Productions. La pochette de l’album (ci-dessus) a été réalisée par Timon Kokott Art-Work. Mohngang durera cinquante minutes et comportera sept morceaux, dont un avec du dulcimer, deux avec du violoncelle, l’un d’eux étant une version orchestrale bonus de « Die mit dem Bogen auf dem Kreuz ».
-New Horn album, May 15th 2020-
Time for a couple of revelations. Due to a few unexpected setbacks, Horn’s newest release will not take place this year, however, I will at least be able to present its artwork and bit of information.
Horn’s upcoming full-length album, going by the title « Mohngang », will be released by Iron Bonehead Productions on the MAY 15TH 2020. « Mohngang » will be bit longer than my latest releases, spanning a total playtime of 50 minutes divided into 7 classic Horn tracks, 1 dulcimer piece as well as 2 cello pieces, one of which – a sort of album bonus – spans an ORCHESTRAL COVER VERSION of Horn’s « Die mit dem Bogen auf dem Kreuz ».
« Mohngang » revolves around the concepts of autonomy and heteronomy and the very struggled between them. Once more, Timon Kokott Art-Work did a mighty fine job with the visual design, especially since this time around I did not have a refined visual concept in mind to start with.
There’s another surprise regarding the new album which I’ll be posting soon, hopefully towards the end of this week. Stay vigilant ! «