Ensiferum : Live Studio Thallasic Record Release Show

Pour fêter la sortie de son nouvel album Thalassic, Ensiferum donnera un concert en ligne le 10 juillet, en direct des Sonic Pump Studios à Helsinki, où l’album a été enregistré. Le groupe interprétera évidemment ses nouveaux morceaux, mais aussi ses grands classiques ainsi que des titres plus rarement joués en live ! Un chat avec les membres du groupe sera également mis en place.

We are incredibly excited to announce that to celebrate the release of our new album #Thalassic, we will be performing a special live stream show from Sonic Pump Studios Helsinki, where we recorded the album.

We’ll be performing a selection of new, classic and rare tracks & chatting with you all between performances & after the show – so this is one you won’t want to miss!

Sami says: ”Hi folks! We can’t come to your home town to rock with you, but we really want to show you the new line-up in action! We know it’s a far cry from the normal headbanging/sweaty gig, with our crazy fans going nuts in the moshpit and singing along so loud that it hurts our ears on stage, but we are very excited to try something new by streaming this live show for you. It will be like Ensiferum is playing in your living room! We will prepare a well-balanced setlist with new, old & rare songs, with some breaks between songs to answer some of your questions, which you can send in advance. After the set, the whole band will grab some cold drinks to cool down and join the chat with you all! See you all soon (at least online, for now…).


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