Waldgeflüster : ré-enregistrement de Stimmen im Wind

Waldgeflüster ré-enregistre sa démo Stimmen im Wind initialement sortie en 2006. Cette nouvelle version sortira le 10 janvier prochain en version vinyle comprenant un code de téléchargement et un CD bonus contenant la version originale de la démo. Un premier extrait sera dévoilé très bientôt.

 » Stimmen im Wind 2020
January 10th will see the release of a completely rerecorded version of the original demo from 2006. 2020 marks the 15th year of existence of Waldgeflüster – time to take a step back and look at some old accomplishments.

We worked on those old songs, improved them where deemed necessary, kept them as they are,where the already shone. But most importantly, the sound is now something I would actually call « sound ». Also Thomas recorded real drums and a Bass track was added.
Mixed by yours truly, mastered by Jonas Lindström.

The release will be on Vinyl, including a digital download and a bonus CD that contains the original version from 2006. […]

We will release a first song for you to listen to soonish. « 

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