Le groupe Américain de pagan black metal Beorn’s Hall a révélé aujourd’hui la pochette et la tracklist de leur troisième album « In his Granite Realm« . Sa sortie est prévue pour le 15 Mars, et il sera possible de pré-commander l’album dès le 15 Février.
Suite à la perte d’un ami proche et membre fondateur du groupe, l’album devrait être plus sombre d’après le groupe.
“Our third album, ‘In His Granite Realm’ continues the same path of progression we left off at on ‘Estuary’. We double downed on the doom and death metal influence introduced on that album although the core sound still remains very much late 80’s/early 90’s black metal. Over the summer we lost a very close friend and founding member of the band to a tragic accident. Dealing with his untimely death gave the music more of an underlying feeling of darkness and sorrow. We hope you will enjoy this album.”
1. Distant Torches – Baldr’s Theme
2. Old Men Of The Mountain
3. Berglmir (the call from beyond)
4. To Ride at Midnight
5. In His Granite Realm
6. Bronze Age Spellcraft
7. Foreverdark Woods
Liens du groupe :
Metal Archives