Ash of Ashes sort un nouveau titre acoustique

Ash of Ashes dévoile une version acoustique du morceau « Springar » originellement issu de son premier album Down the White Waters. Mathias Gyllengahm y apparaît comme musicien guest à la nyckelharpa. Ce week-end, Bandcamp offre aux groupes la totalité des dons pour les soutenir le temps de la crise sanitaire, profitez-en ! Par ailleurs, Ash of Ashes prépare actuellement son nouvel album, plus d’infos à venir prochainement ! 

We had actually planned to announce this release some days ago already, but like anywhere else life went off the rails a little.

Anyway, today we release an acoustic version of the « Springar » traditional, which was originally released on « Down the White Waters ». How did this version come about?
When Skaldir prepared the backing tracks for the gig at Ragnarök 2019, this song suddenly started playing without the drums and electric guitars and it sounded amazing!
With a little more work on the arrangement it just sounds too good to keep from you. Thanks again Mathias Gyllengahm for playing the Nyckelharpa on this one.
On top of that, this is a little sign of life from us before we finish the new album. More on that soon.

And only today Bandcamp offers to pay musicians the whole revenue without deduction to support them in these bleak times.
Maybe that’s one more reason to buy this song directly from Bandcamp today. Thank you!

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