Premier extrait de Songs of Origin and Spirit

Fellwarden dévoile « Call of the Pikes » issu de l’album collaboratif Songs of Origin and Spirit avec Osi and the Jupiter, Mosaic et By the Spirits.

First Fellwarden song from the forthcoming collaboration album « Songs of Origin and Spirits » now streaming through Bandcamp.

The Watcher says:
« These instrumental pieces present the reflective side of Fellwarden – soundtracks to roaming in solitude, the unchanging immensity of nature and the solace found in contemplation therein. Never is a man more at peace than when embraced by the welcome of the wilderness and I hope that these songs can help channel that spirit within those souls who yearn for such serenity »

Stay tuned for further premieres by Osi And The JupiterBy The Spirits and MOSAIC.

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