Nouvel EP d’Ūkanose

Ūkanose, que vous pourrez retrouver au Dark Medieval Fest, sort aujourd’hui son nouvel EP intitulé …kai griaudėjo miškai… (« …quand les bois grondent… » en lituanien). L’EP rend hommage au peuple lituanien qui s’est battu contre l’occupant russe pour obtenir son indépendance il y a maintenant trente ans. …kai griaudėjo miškai… compte quatre titres dont les paroles sont composées de confessions, de souvenirs et de poèmes de ces partisans qui ont donné leur vie au nom de la liberté. Vous pourrez vous procurer la version physique de l’EP en envoyant un message au groupe sur sa page Facebook.

Ūkanose release their new EP …kai griaudėjo miškai… » (tr. « …when the woods thundered… »). A physical copy of the EP during this turbulent period of pandemics will be available for purchase directly from the band by messaging them on FB.

The mini album is dedicated to a segment of people very dear to their country’s history – the fighters for freedom so called guerillas or partisans (whichever you want to call them) who struggled for a very long time in a fight against their occupant.

Since this year Lithuania is celebrating their 30 years of independence, the band considers this EP to be a musical gift and a tribute to their fellow countrymen and all those interested in the post WW2 period of History. The album « …kai griaudėjo miškai… » is a compilation of four songs in which the lyrics are composed of confessions, memories and poems or their fragments of the partisans who have fought and died for their country’s freedom.

The band hopes that the stories in their songs will reach as many listeners as possible and appeal to their feelings towards history, culture, traditions, their thirst for freedom and of course love for folk metal!

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